a.) The proper way of choosing the height of
If there is no dampness measuring instrument
at your disposal, then the boundary of the plaster-replacement should be
marked, on the basis of the experimentaal data, with at least the measure
of wall thickness above the visible boundary of dampness.
b.) Preparation
of the surface
In the case of brick
walls, remove the plaster, lean the brick jointings as deep
as 1-2 cm, then clear the surface of dust.
Remove the plaster in the case of earth-walls as well. Wall up collapses
with the mortar used in plastering. Apply double horizontal battening or
wall on the whole surface. Take up the brick moulding and remove
the plaster from here, too.
The mixture of cement and water cannot be applied on brick-surface.
If the surface dry, it has to be moistened with pure water. Plastering
is carried out with traditional mason technology, applied in several layers.